Name: Anand B
Department: BTECH CSE
Company Name: Zoho Corporation
Designation: Member Technical Staff
● Round details
○ No. of rounds : 4
● Questions asked in each Round :
Round 1: (2 hours)
Round 1: (2 hours)
It is all about testing your general aptitude and technical aptitude skills. There will be no options. You should find the answer.
TIPS: Common sense and little mathematics would suffice for general aptitude but practice by tracing a lot of pointer based programs that also involves recursion.
Round 2: (3 hours)
Consisted of 5 programming questions.
1.) Given a string, find the longest possible palindrome that can be formed with the letters of the string. If there are more than one palindrome of maximum length, print any one of them.
Input: This is a Sample text for testing
Output: Longest Palindrome length: 15
Longest palindrome : ssttaeipieattss
2.) Given a linked list of nodes and a number K, find the (N-K)th node using SINGLE LOOP. You are not supposed to take help of size(N) of linked list.
Input: N=5 List= 2 4 5 9 3 6 K=3
Output: 5
3.) Given an array of integers, find the maximum contiguous sub-array of positive numbers whose sum is maximum and also print the sub-array that forms the maximum sum.
Input: Array: -3 33 32 6 -7 23 56 -6
Output: Sum: 79
Sub-array: {23 56}
4.) Given a linked list of nodes containing only 0,1,2 as data, sort them such that zeroes come to beginning, ones in the middle, and twos to the end using SINGLE LOOP
Input: List: 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 2
Output: 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2
5.) Given an array of integers, sort them based on the decreasing order of their frequencies.
Input: 2 2 2 4 2 3 4 6 4 5 5
Output: 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 3 6
Round 3: Advanced Programming Test (5 hours)
Taxi Management System
Consider there are 5 stations in a city. There can be any number of taxis. They all start at any one station. User books taxi by giving the start station, destination station and time of start of travel. The distance between each adjacent stations is 15kms and time taken to travel between adjacent stations is 15mins. For the first 5kms, the user is charged Rs.50. Rs.10 per km then after. Each user is given an unique user ID.
Allot taxis based on following criteria:
1.) Find the nearest taxi to the location where the user wants a taxi.
2.) If more than one taxi is present at the nearest location, resolve clash by alloting the taxi that has earned the least amount for the day.
Print the taxi alloted to the user as and when it is alloted along with a booking ID as follow:
Example: Booking ID: 1
Taxi Alloted: Taxi1
1.) Develop a handler module to allot taxis.
2.) Develop a module that will print the travel history of the taxi requested in the following format.
CustomerID Source Station Destination Station Start Time End Time Trip Fare
● What did they ask from Resume?
About my role in daksh design team, my projects, a hackathon that i attended
● From where to prepare? , , search "vogella tutorials" in google,
● I think I was selected because? My performance in first three rounds.
● My advice to aspirants:
Develop programming skills. Participate in online coding contests. Try developing simple applications using java. Plan the application from design, analysis, UML diagrams etc till implementation and testing. Also Develop communication skills.
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